Create an Audition
Adding an Organization
Scoring Scheme Setup
Setting up Audition Time Slots
Customize Registration Form, Fee, and Register
Publishing Results
Creating and Using Rubrics
Setting up In-Snap Recording
How do I add another organization Admin?
- Go to "Organizations" from the top menu and click on your organization.
- On the "Settings" page, scroll down to the bottom to find the, "Administrators" section.
- Click, "Add", then add the new admin's email. They will receive an email will a link, good for 7 days, to become another admin of the organization. They can use their existing Snap account (email & password); or create a new one.
What permissions do organization admins have?
All admins of your organiation have the same permissions. They can view, add, or edit all organization settings and auditions. Admin's can NOT edit judge scores or feedback, or alter results calcuated by Snap. They can only delete scores.
How do we collect registration fees from entrants?
Snap integrates with Stripe Payment Processor to enable your organization to accept registration seamlessly during entrant's registration.
- Go to "Organizations" from the top menu and click on your organization.
- On the "Settings" page, scroll down to the bottom to find the, "Stripe" section.
- Click, "Connect", which will direct you to Stripe.
How do I customize the registration form?
In Snap, you can design your own registration forms, customize them by category, and decide which question/answers are shared with judges.
- Go to the, "Admin" page of the audition (from the "Dashboard" or "My Auditions").
- Click on, "Settings".
- If the audition is multi-round, select the desired round from the top.
- Click, "Registration Form & Fee" and Click, "Open Form Builder"
- Click form elements to include. Use the up/down arrow to move questions.
- Entrants will be required to complete any elements you, "require" before they can submit.
How do we include or remove our organization from the public directory?
- Go to "Organizations" from the top menu and click on your organization.
- On the "Settings" page, check or uncheck, "Include Organization in Snap Public Directory" and Save
- The organization must have at least one setup-complete audition to be included in the directory.
How do I share files or instructiosn with potential entrants?
Instructions and attachments can be viewed before and after a person registered. You are required to include some kind of instruction, but you can also attach files they might need.
- Go to the, "Admin" page of the audition (from the "Dashboard" or "My Auditions").
- Click on, "Settings".
- If the audition is multi-round, select the desired round from the top.
- Click, "Instructions & Attachments".
- Type your instructions.
- To include a file(s) for entrants, click, "Attachments". You can upload new files or, "attach" any previously uploaded across all of your organization's auditions.
How do credits / pricing work?
With, Snap, you only pay when an entrant submits an audition. You can even use Snap for free if you decide to have entrants pay the Snap fee.
Adding Credits
Use Snap at no cost to your organization by passing the cost along to entrants. Simply select, "Entrant Pays" in your audition profile, and Snap will charge the entrant when they register. If your audition has a registration fee, Snap's fee will automatically be added on top. That way, the entrant only has one amount to pay. See pricing for current rate.
Adding Credits
- Go to "Organizations" from the top menu and click on your organization.
- You will see your credit balance at the top. Click, "add" to buy credits or use a promo code.
- NO credits are required to setup an audition. Credits ARE required for entrants to register, unless the audition is set to, entrant pays. When an entrant, "starts" a registration, Snap checks for sufficient credits. If there are sufficient credits, the entrant can, "start", but credits are only deducted when they, "submit".
- Entrants can edit their submitted registration until the, "close" date. If they do, Snap will change how many credits their registration used if it is more than when they previously submitted.
- If the registration is deleted, by the entrant or an organization admin, any credits used will be added back to your balance.
Use Snap at no cost to your organization by passing the cost along to entrants. Simply select, "Entrant Pays" in your audition profile, and Snap will charge the entrant when they register. If your audition has a registration fee, Snap's fee will automatically be added on top. That way, the entrant only has one amount to pay. See pricing for current rate.
How do I qualify / include entrants in the next round?
You decide which entrants are included in the next round when results are published.
- On the, "Results" page, click on a category.
- Results for that category must be unpublished.
- If there is a subsequent round, you will see a checkbox next to each entrant. Check each entrant eligible for the next round.
- You will also see two choices based on whether you want to auto-submit eligible entrants for the next round.
How many entrants can register for each audition?
There are no entrant limits in Snap Audition. You can have as many entrants as you like. If you need to limit the number of people that can register, you can set this, by each category, under, "Settings".
Recording Your Audition In-Snap
Bulk Register Entrants
What is the upload size and video length limit?
Upload limits for audition registrations.
- Up to 500mb per file, including video files. Entrants should not upload super high resolution video files. Though Snap can handle those files, it will cause uploading to take longer.
- Up to 3gb, combined uploaded files, per registration
- Note: Snap will process video files to optimize their playback for judges based on bandwidth, similar to technology used in YouTube and Netflix.
Judging Signup Slot Auditions
How do I make judging anonymous?
When you credit an audition, judging is set to be anonymous by default. To tweak anonymity settings:
- Go to the, "Admin" page of the audition (from the "Dashboard" or "My Auditions").
- Click on, "Settings".
- If the audition is multi-round, select the desired round from the top.
- Click, "Anonymity and Feedback"
- Anonymity settings can be customized by category if you desire.
How do I upload / include adjudicating criteria or rubric?
- Go to "Organizations" from the top menu and click on your organization.
- Click, "Criteria/Rubrics", then "Add"
- You can type or paste your criteria in, or upload a PDF or image
- In each audition's, "Settings" you will see a "Criteria/Rubric" section where you can choose any you have added. You can choose a different criteria based on each audition's category and round.
- If a, "Criteria/Rubric" is selected, judges will see it on their judging screen.
How is judging feedback delivered to entrants?
When you create an audition, judging feedback is on by default. To change:
- Go to the, "Admin" page of the audition (from the "Dashboard" or "My Auditions").
- Click on, "Settings".
- If the audition is multi-round, select the desired round from the top.
- Click, "Anonymity and Feedback"
- Feedback settings can be customized by category if you desire.
What do the results checks do?
Please note: The results check feature is designed to help, not replace your work of makings sure every result is correct. The checks will:
- Check for category with no submitted entrants.
- Check for submitted entrants which were not scored (judged).
- Check for ties.
How do I resolve ties?
How to avoid ties:
- Set a large scoring range. E.g. 1-100 instead of 1-5.
- Tell judges to use the full-breath of the scoring range. For example, if they give the top 25% the top score, ties are likely.
- If you have multiple judges judging each entrant, set their, "task" to score, not rank.
- While organization admins publish results, they cannot change scores.
- To break a tie, a judge's score will need to be deleted or edited. Organization admins can delete scores, but not edit them.
- An organization can add themselves as a judge, and add another score as a judge. This way, there is a record of who caused the tie to be broken.
How do I customize the results page?
Results are published on each category page of the audition.
- On the, "Results" page, click on a category.
- Results for that category must be unpublished to edit.
- Make sure, "Publish to audition's PUBLIC page" is checked.
- Click, "Format Public Results".
- The top box can include any notes you want to include.
- Below you will see a table with spread-sheet like functionality. Default results will be added into this spreadsheet, which you can manipulate (change headers, add/remove rows/columns. etc.).
- Note: Spreadsheet edits WILL NOT change results - only how they are displayed on the public page. Do not change entrant's rank, group, or score. If you do, they will see a different value on their personal result page.