
Forever Free
Use free for up to 100 audition registrations a year
$2/audition registration, no video*
$3/registration with video*
Use at no cost with entrant pays*
Get Started
In-Person or Online-Submit
Group or Individual Entrants
Registration Form Builder
Setup Unlimited Categories per Audition
Customize Everything by Category
Registration Form Builder
Unlimited Rounds
HD Video Uploads
Record In-Snap (Timed, Sight Reading)*
Automatic Judging Anonymity
Rubric-Based Judging
Scoring Scheme Wizard
Results Audit
Feedback Auto-Delivered (including filled out rubrics & judge audio feedback)
Registration & Results Webpage
Results Audit
Collect Registration Fee from Entrants
Number Organization Admins 1 Unlimited
Number Judges 1 Unlimited
Audition Data & Upload Retention 1 Month 2 Years
Running an audition with 500+ entrants?
*Pricing is per audition registration per round.
*If you select, "Entrant Pays", Snap will charge the entrant $5.50 (unlimited rounds) plus recording fees below if applicable. If your audition has a registration fee, Snap's fee will automatically be added on top.
*Record-in-Snap: $0.50 per person (registration) per round, who uses that feature to complete their audition plus $0.50 if Sight Reading Factory integration is used.